Guidelines for Submitted Tutorial Problem Sheets
preparing solutions for marking please note the following points.
- Not attempting a solution is generally unacceptable.
- Set out your solution as a coherent narrative explaining any
principles used. The final solution should be underlined, or a
reasonable gap left in the text so the end of the question is obvious.
- In general solve problems algebraically before inserting values.
- In multiple part questions, identify all the answers being asked for
and present a solution that answers them all. Counting the things asked
for in a problem, and matching this to the number of underlined results
in your manuscript, can ensure this.
- Do not use different notation from that used in the question. Define
any new variables you introduce.
- Write legibly. If you struggle to do this in first draft then rewrite
your solutions when complete.
- Solutions should be presented on one side of the paper and stapled at
the top left hand corner (or otherwise held together). Sheppard supplement: The presentation of solutions on pages formed into a Möbius strip is unaccepatable.
Obeying these rules is good practice and will pay off in exams.
Scripts that fail to respect these rules will be returned to be rewritten.