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RG Grainger
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EODG Physics Studentships

Advanced study for a Ph.D. (called a D.Phil. in Oxford) can be completed as part of the EODG. The type of problems to be solved are often multidisciplinary requiring knowledge of a subset of topics from optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, chemistry, statistics and linear algebra. The applicants we are seeking should have a strong background in the quantitative sciences (physics, maths, chemistry ...). During the course students become an expert on their topic and acquire knowledge in areas such as radiometery, radiative transfer, computer programming and remote sensing. While our projects on satellite data analysis are computer based we do offer projects in hardware development and laboratory measurement. Although many projects are offered each year the expectation is that only one or two will be pursued in any given year by students who have been awarded funding. After their D.Phil., EODG graduate students have gone on to a variety of careers. To get an idea have a look here.

To complete a Physics D.Phil. within EODG you must obtain funding from a competitively based source.

The admission procedure is explained here.

Typically a D.Phil. involves original research which progresses earlier studies. Many of our projects are associated with internationally funded research so a student may be expected to attend team meetings (typically in Europe or the US). During the D.Phil. course students will present their results (usually a poster) at national and international conferences. Students are also encouraged to publish their findings in the peer-reviewed literature.

EODG DPhil Projects for 2025

It is also possible to start with in a generic area (e.g. climate impact of aerosols) and for the project to be developed jointly with the student. In general the project will involve data analysis of satellite measuremnts. Tha applicant will need a solid quantitative background in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Earth Sciences or Computing.

Earth Observation Data Group, Department of Physics, University of Oxford. Page last updated: @09:24 GMT 01-Dec-2024