About EODG
RG Grainger
Life After EODG
Research Programme
Satellite Instruments
Methods & Tools
Local Weather
EODG [restricted]

EODG Opportunities

Sponsored Positions

If you are interested in working in the EODG then we could potentially act as a host group for fellowship award. Bodies that offer these type of award include:

  • Natural Environment Research Council: Independent Research Fellowships, co-sponsors of Daphne Jackson Fellowships (for those who have taken career breaks)
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council: Ernest Rutherford Fellowships
  • Royal Society: University Research Fellowship, Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships
  • Royal Astronomical Society: Research Fellowships, Sir Norman Lockyer Fellowship, co-sponsors of Daphne Jackson Fellowships (for those who have taken career breaks)
  • Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851: Research Fellowships
  • Oxford University: Glasstone Fellowships
  • Newton International Fellowships
  • Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship
  • Junior Research Fellowships at Oxford Colleges
  • Marie Curie Actions fellowships - fund European researchers and non-Europeans seeking to do research in Europe

This type of funding is very difficult to obtain so you will need an exceptional academic record and to discuss your research plan with Dr Dudhia or Prof Grainger well in advance of the award application closing date.

Earth Observation Data Group, Department of Physics, University of Oxford. Page last updated: @09:24 GMT 01-Dec-2024