About EODG
Research Programme
Satellite Instruments
Methods & Tools
Laboratory Resources
  Aerosol Samples
  Sample & Equipment     Handling
  Mettler AT200 Scales
  Grimm SMPS+C
  Grimm OPC
  Quantachrome     MicroUltrapyc 1200e
Aerosol Refractive Index Measurement
(Aerosol Refractive Index Archive: ARIA)
(Atmospheric Infrared Spectrum Atlas)
Atmospheric Anomaly Service
Mie Code
(The RFM)
Local Weather
EODG [restricted]

Notes on Aerosol Handling

  • All equipment that comes in contact with a sample should be clean. To clean apparatus
    1. Wash in a mild detergent solution
    2. Rinse with deionised water
    3. Clean heavily contaminated items by placing them in the ultrasonic bath containing deionised water
    4. Allow to air dry
  • Samples should never be handled directly but using tweezers or spatula. Always use clean tweezers or spatula for each sample.
  • To avoid indirect contamination use disposable nitrile gloves when handling items that will come into contact with samples.
  • Decanting material from one vessel to another should be done in the fume cupboard over a cleaned tray (in case of spillage). Eye protection and gloves should be worn when samples are transferred.
  • Some other tips: Mettler Toledo laboratory skills pamphlet.
Earth Observation Data Group, Department of Physics, University of Oxford. Page last updated: @19:07 GMT 18-May-2024