International Peer Reviewed Publications
Burgess, A.B., R.G. Grainger,
A. Dudhia, V.H. Payne and V.L. Jay, MIPAS Measurement of Sulphur
Hexafluoride (SF6), Geophysical Research Letters, 31,
No. 5, doi:10.1029/2003GL019143, 2004.
Grainger, R.G., J. Lucas, G. Thomas
and G. Ewen, Calculation of Mie Derivatives, Applied Optics, 43,
5386–5393, 2004.
Grant, J., R.G. Grainger,
B.N. Lawrence, G.J. Fraser, H.A. von Biel, D.N. Heuf and G.E. Plank,
Retrieval of mesospheric electron densities using an optimal
estimation inverse method, Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66, 381–392, 2004.
Migliorini, S., C. Piccolo and C.D. Rodgers, Intercomparison of
direct and indirect measurements: Michelson Interferometer for Passive
Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) versus sonde ozone profiles,Journal of Geophysical Rersearch, 109, D19316, 2004.
Miles, G.M., R.G., Grainger and
E.J Highwood, The Significance of Volcanic Eruption Strength and
Frequency for Climate, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological
Society, 130, 2361–2376, 2004.
Schofield, R., B.J. Connor, K. Kreher, P.V. Johnson and
C.D. Rodgers, The retrieval of profile and chemical information from
ground-based UV-visible spectroscopic measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 86, 115–131, 2004.
Schofield, R., K. Kreher, B.J. Connor, P.V. Johnston, A. Thomas,
D. Shooter, M.P. Chipperfield, C.D. Rodgers, and G.H. Mount,
Retrieved tropospheric and stratospheric BrO columns over Lauder, New
Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Rersearch, 109: D14304, 2004.
Books, Reports, Articles
Grainger, R., and H. Graf,
Volcano Monitoring and Public Safety in GMES-GATO - A European
Strategy for Global Atmospheric Monitoring (Eds: G. Braathen,
N. Harris and J. Levine), European Commission, 2004.
Tripathi, S.N.,
X.P. Vancassel, R.G. Grainger, H.L. Rogers, A Fast Stratospheric
Aerosol Microphysical Model (SAMM):
H2SO4-H2O Aerosol Development and
Validation, AOPP Memorandum 2004.1, University of Oxford, 2004.
Conference Abstracts, Proceedings
Burgess, A., A. Dudhia and
C. Piccolo, Intercomparison of MIPAS Near Real Time and Offline Data
Products, 2004.
Burgess, A.B., A. Dudhia,
R.G. Grainger, V.H. Payne and V.L. Jay, Retrieval of upper
tropospheric ammonia from MIPAS/ENVISAT, COSPAR (18-25 July 2004),
Paris, France, 2004.
Burgess, A.B., R.G. Grainger and
A. Dudhia, Progress in the retrieval of sulphur species from MIPAS,
ESA: ENVISAT-ERS Symposium Proceedings (SP-572), 2004.
Rodgers, C.D., Information Content of Advanced Sounders, in ECMWF
Workshop on Assimilation of High Spectral Resolution Sounders in NWP,
ECMWF Workshop Proceedings, 171–180, 2004.
Vancassel, X., R.G. Grainger and H. Rogers, Aircraft Impact Studies
using a Stratospheric Chemistry Transport Model Including Liquid
Aetosol Microphysical Processes,. Abstracts of the 8th International
Global Atmospheric Chemistry Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand,
International Peer Reviewed Publications
Clarmann, T. von, M. Höpfner,
B. Funke, M. López-Puertas, A. Dudhia, V. Jay, F. Schreier,
M. Ridolfi, S. Ceccherini, B.J. Kerridge, J. Reburn, and R. Siddans,
Modelling of atmospheric mid-infrared radiative transfer: the AMIL2DA
intercomparison experiment
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 78,
381–407, 2003.
Clarmann, T. von, S. Ceccherini,
A. Doicu, A. Dudhia, B. Funke, U. Grabowski, S. Hilgers, V. Jay,
A. Linden, M. López-Puertas, F.-J. Martn-Torres, V. Payne,
J. Reburn, M. Ridolfi, F. Schreier, G. Schwarz, R. Siddans, and
T. Steck, A blind test retrieval experiment for infrared limb emission
spectrometry, Journal of Geophysical Rersearch, 108,
4746, 2003.
Rodgers, C.D. and B.J. Connor,
Intercomparison of Remote Sounding Instruments, Journal of
Geophysical Rersearch, 108, 2003.
Books, Reports, Articles
Grainger, R.G., and
E.J. Highwood, Changes in stratospheric composition, chemistry,
radiation and climate caused by volcanic eruptions, in Volcanic
degassing: experiments, models, observations and impacts
Oppenheimer, C., Pyle, D.M., and Barclay, J. (eds.), Geological
Society of London Special Publication, vol. 213, 2003.
Conference Abstracts or Proceedings
Burgess, A., A. Dudhia, R. Grainger, V. Jay, V. Payne and
C. Piccolo, Retrieval of SO2 profiles from MIPAS, below the
tropopause, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EGS-AGU-EUG
Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 2003.
Dudhia, A, A Burgess, V Payne, C Piccolo and V Jay, Retrieval of
minor Species from MIPAS Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5,
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 2003
Dudhia, A., Infrared limb Sounding - MIPAS and HIRDLS,
Proceedings of the ECMWF Workshop on Modelling and Assimilation for
the Stratosphere and Tropopause, 23-26 June, Reading, UK, 2003.
McPheat, R.A., R.G. Grainger, D.A. Newnham and J.J. Remedios,
Laboratory Measurements of Optical Properties of Polar Stratospheric
Clouds, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, EGS-AGU-EUG
Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 2003.
Migliorini, S., C. Piccolo, C. Rodgers, Assimilation of MIPAS
retrievals: 'optimal' approach, ASSET/SPARC, Data Assimilation
Workshop, Florence, Italy, 4-6 June 2003.
Piccolo, C., A. Dudhia, V. Payne, V. Jay, Oxford retrievals of
MIPAS data during the 2002 Antarctic winter, Atmospheric Science from
Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometry - 11, Bad Wildbad, Germany,
8-10 October 2003.
Piccolo, C. and C. Rodgers, Efficient assimilation of the
information content of MIPAS data, Royal Meteorological Society
Conference 2003, Norwich, UK, 1-5 September 2003.
Thomas, G.E., R.G. Grainger and R.A. McPheat, Determination of the
refractive index of super cooled ternary solution aerosol,
Proceedings of Aerosols in the UTLS Workshop, Oxford, UK, 2003.
Tripathi, S.N., R.G. Grainger and H.L. Rogers, A fast microphysical
model for the UTLS (FAMMUS), Geophysical Research Abstracts,
5, 10351, 2003.
Tripathi, S., X. Vancassel, R. Grainger and H. Rogers, A Fast
stratospheric aerosol microphysical model, Proceedings of the
Aviation, Atmosphere and Climate European Conference,
Frierichshafen, Germany, 2003.
International Peer Reviewed Publications
Dudhia, A, V.L. Jay, and C.D. Rodgers, Microwindow selection for
high-spectral-resolution sounders, Applied Optics, 41, 3665–3673,
Luo, M., R. Beer, D.J. Jacob, J.A. Logan and C.D. Rodgers,
Simulated observation of tropospheric ozone and CO with the
Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) satellite instrument
Journal of Geophysical Rersearch, 107, doi: 10.1029/2001JD000804, 2002.
Bowman K., J. Worden, T. Steck, H. Worden, S. Clough and
C.D. Rodgers, Capturing Time and Vertical Variability of Tropospheric
Ozone : A Study Using TES Nadir Retrievals, Journal of Geophysical Rersearch.,
107, 4723, doi:10.1029/2002JD002150, 2002.
Conference Abstracts, Proceedings
McPheat, R.A., D.A. Newnham, J.J. Remedios, and R.G. Grainger,
Laboratory measurements of the optical properties of polar
stratospheric cloud particles, Proceedings of the Sixth European
Symposium on Stratospheric Ozone, Göteborg, 2002.
Tripathi, S.N., R.G. Grainger and H.L. Rogers, Development of a fast
microphysical model for aerosol interactions: condensational
growth and coagulation, Proceedings of the Indian Aerosol Science
and Technology Association Conference, Thiruvananthapuram, 2002.
Tripathi, S.N., R.G Grainger, and H.L. Rogers, Enhancement in the
aerosol surface area in the upper atmosphere due to sulphur emissions
from aircraft, Abstracts of the 6th International Aerosol Conference,
Taipei, Taiwan, 2002